What is Acupuncture?
This is a medicine that in many ways is self-empowering because it comes from within. The acupuncturist is simply there to orchestrate the healing that is possible within ourselves.
"Acupuncture is the insertion of hair-thin, sterile needles into the body to activate special receptors which communicate with the central nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems resulting in the release of natural pain-killing substances and dilation of blood vessels delivering oxygen and nutrient-rich blood, hormones and immune factors to sick areas of the body"
Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most common and dependable medical therapies in the world. It is by nature simple, safe, and effective. Acupuncturists use thin, solid, sterile disposable needles inserted into specific areas of the body to help rebalance the internal environment, re-establish homeostasis, and thus treat dis-ease.
According to traditional theories acupuncture influences the vital force, or Qi, of the body. Western science has proven that acupuncture can regulate the body by many mechanisms, including stimulating the endocrine and nervous systems.
In the West acupuncture is usually associated with pain management, as it has been recognized as very effective at treating all types of acute and chronic pain. However, acupuncture can also be used to assist a very wide range of internal conditions including infertility, gynecological concerns, digestive disorders, respiratory complaints, insomnia, fatigue, and psychological issues such as anxiety and depression.
Over the five decades in which acupuncture has evolved in the West, it has been proven in an increasing body of scientific studies to not only be exceptionally safe when performed by licensed acupuncturists, but statistically effective.
"Acupuncture is the insertion of hair-thin, sterile needles into the body to activate special receptors which communicate with the central nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems resulting in the release of natural pain-killing substances and dilation of blood vessels delivering oxygen and nutrient-rich blood, hormones and immune factors to sick areas of the body"
Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most common and dependable medical therapies in the world. It is by nature simple, safe, and effective. Acupuncturists use thin, solid, sterile disposable needles inserted into specific areas of the body to help rebalance the internal environment, re-establish homeostasis, and thus treat dis-ease.
According to traditional theories acupuncture influences the vital force, or Qi, of the body. Western science has proven that acupuncture can regulate the body by many mechanisms, including stimulating the endocrine and nervous systems.
In the West acupuncture is usually associated with pain management, as it has been recognized as very effective at treating all types of acute and chronic pain. However, acupuncture can also be used to assist a very wide range of internal conditions including infertility, gynecological concerns, digestive disorders, respiratory complaints, insomnia, fatigue, and psychological issues such as anxiety and depression.
Over the five decades in which acupuncture has evolved in the West, it has been proven in an increasing body of scientific studies to not only be exceptionally safe when performed by licensed acupuncturists, but statistically effective.