first acupuncture treatment
What to Expect - The Initial Visit
In acupuncture and Chinese medicine, we believe in treating the individual, not just treating the symptom(s). Every individual comes with a unique pattern of symptoms and health issues that demand a targeted holistic approach to treatment. Thus it is necessary to gather as much information about the individual to create a customized diagnosis and treatment plan at the outset.
When you arrive for your first appointment you will be asked to fill out a detailed Health History and Initial Intake form, as well as, review and sign our Informed Consent form. It is best you arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your appointment time to fill these out.
The Health History and Initial Intake form will ask a series of detailed questions that not only give us a full medical history but also aims to start an in-depth assessment of biological, nutritional, physical and emotional concerns to help us develop a pragmatic approach to treatment. Once you have completed the paperwork you will move into the private consultation room where we will go over your health history and discuss your current health concerns. A typical assessment involves the practitioner reviewing your Health History form, asking some questions, taking your pulse, observing your tongue and perhaps palpating specific channels and or points that will help identify the correct pattern and the best approach for treatment. This is the time when you would ask any questions that you have as well.
Your treatment may involve only one of the following or a combination of:
acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, exercises, discussion and advice
A typical treatment will last around 60 minutes.
Subsequent Visits
At subsequent visits we will ask fewer, more targeted questions to measure progress along your treatment plan.
In acupuncture and Chinese medicine, we believe in treating the individual, not just treating the symptom(s). Every individual comes with a unique pattern of symptoms and health issues that demand a targeted holistic approach to treatment. Thus it is necessary to gather as much information about the individual to create a customized diagnosis and treatment plan at the outset.
When you arrive for your first appointment you will be asked to fill out a detailed Health History and Initial Intake form, as well as, review and sign our Informed Consent form. It is best you arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your appointment time to fill these out.
The Health History and Initial Intake form will ask a series of detailed questions that not only give us a full medical history but also aims to start an in-depth assessment of biological, nutritional, physical and emotional concerns to help us develop a pragmatic approach to treatment. Once you have completed the paperwork you will move into the private consultation room where we will go over your health history and discuss your current health concerns. A typical assessment involves the practitioner reviewing your Health History form, asking some questions, taking your pulse, observing your tongue and perhaps palpating specific channels and or points that will help identify the correct pattern and the best approach for treatment. This is the time when you would ask any questions that you have as well.
Your treatment may involve only one of the following or a combination of:
acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, exercises, discussion and advice
A typical treatment will last around 60 minutes.
Subsequent Visits
At subsequent visits we will ask fewer, more targeted questions to measure progress along your treatment plan.